Mommy Makeover
Case Details: The patient is a 37 year old female presenting with symptomatic large breasts and desire for abdominal rejuvenation. Procedures performed include bilateral breast reduction and abdominoplasty (mommy-make-over). 3 months post. op
Case Details:
The patient is a 44 year old female presenting with an umbilical hernia and desire for abdominal rejuvenation after having children. Procedures performed include abdominoplasty and umbilical hernia repair. 3.5 months post. op.
Case Details: 42 y. old female presenting for mommy-makeover, with excess skin and subcutaneous tissue of the abdomen, back, lateral chest, and inner thighs and breast ptosis. S/p bilateral breast lift, abdominoplasty, and liposuction to back, lateral chest and inner thighs. 3 months post. op.