Breast Implant Removal & Auto Augmentation
Case Details: The patient is a 45 year old female presenting with breast implant associated illness and desiring breast implant removal, as well as left breast mass. Procedures performed include left lumpectomy, removal of bilateral implants with capsulectomy, and bilateral auto-augmentation mastopexy. 6 weeks post. op
Case Detail: The patient is a 38 year old female presenting with breast implant associated illness and desiring breast implant removal. Procedures performed include removal of breast implants with capsulectomy and breast lift with auto-augmentation. 1.5 years post. op
Case Details: The patient is a 75 year old Female with a history of breast augmentation many years ago and right breast implant rupture with capsular contracture. Procedures performed include removal of bilateral breast implants/capsulectomy and bilateral breast reduction with auto-augmentation. 1 year post. op.
Case Details: The patient is a 67 y. old female with a history of bilateral breast augmentation and lift years ago by another provider presenting with breast implant rupture. S/p removal of bilateral ruptured breast implants and breast lift with auto-augmentation. 2.5 months post. op.