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49 y. old female with a history of bariatric surgery and massive weight loss presenting with symptomatic large breasts and excess skin. S/p breast reduction
The patient is a 33 y. old female presenting with symptomatic heavy breasts. S/p bilateral breast reduction. 6 weeks post. op
The patient is a 52 y. old F with a history of bilateral silicone breast augmentation, presenting with chronic bilateral breast pain and multiple systemic symptoms consistent with breast implant illness, s/p removal of bilateral breast implants, with auto-augmentation mastopexy and fat grafting.
Case Details: The patient is a 64 year old female with left breast cancer. Procedures performed include left mastectomy with pre-pectoral implant reconstruction and right augmentation/lift and fat grafting for symmetry. Patient also had left nipple reconstruction. She will eventually getting a 3-D tattoo as well.
Case Details: The patient is a 49 year old female presenting with large left breast cancer. Procedures performed include lumpectomy and oncoplastic breast reduction. Completed post. operative radiation. 3 months post. op
Case Details: The patient is a 17 year old female presenting with symptomatic large breasts. Procedures performed include bilateral breast reduction. 3.5 months post. op
Case Details: The patient is a 45 year old female presenting with breast implant associated illness and desiring breast implant removal, as well as left breast mass. Procedures performed include left lumpectomy, removal of bilateral implants with capsulectomy, and bilateral auto-augmentation mastopexy. 6 weeks post. op
Case Detail: The patient is a 38 year old female presenting with breast implant associated illness and desiring breast implant removal. Procedures performed include removal of breast implants with capsulectomy and breast lift with auto-augmentation. 1.5 years post. op
Case Details: The patient is a 33 year old male presenting with painful gynecomastia. Procedures performed include liposuction to the bilateral chest as well as direct excision of excess breast tissue. 6 weeks post. op
Case Details: The patient is a 37 year old female presenting with symptomatic large breasts. Procedures performed include bilateral breast reduction. 3 months post. op.
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