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Breast Augmentation / Lift

Case Details: The patient is a 31 y. old female with breast ptosis, incarcerated umbilical hernia, diastasis recti and excess skin of the abdomen which occurred after the birth of her children leading to her desiring rejuvenation. Procedures performed include: “mommy-makeover” with bilateral breast augmentation mastopexy, abdominoplasty and umbilical hernia repair.
53 y. old female with a history of left breast cancer. S/p left mastectomy, implant reconstruction, fat grafting and nipple reconstruction, as well as right breast augmentation/lift and abdominoplasty/liposuction (multiple surgeries).
Case Details: 30 y. old female presenting with breast deformity s/p multiple prior surgeries for breast infections by another provider. She previously had implants placed to try and correct the deformity, but had to have one of them removed due to complications. S/p bilateral breast revision with augmentation/lift. 4.5 months post. op.
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