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The patient is a 3-year old male born with a unilateral complete left cleft lip and notching of the primary palate, s/p cleft lip and nasal repair 3 months after birth.
The patient is a 33 y. old female presenting with symptomatic heavy breasts. S/p bilateral breast reduction. 6 weeks post. op
The patient is a 41 y. old male body-builder s/p bariatric surgery and massive weight loss presenting for evaluation of symptomatic excess skin of the abdomen and chest. Ss/p bilateral lateral chest lift and abdominoplasty.
The patient is a 48-year-old female s/p bariatric surgery and massive weight loss presenting with full body symptomatic excess soft tissue and ventral hernia. She had a massive pannus affecting her ability to perform daily activities. S/p fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty and ventral hernia repair.
The patient is a 34 y. old F presenting with symptomatic pannus and umbilical hernia as well as desire for breast and body rejuvenation after weight loss and pregnancy, 5 months s/p bilateral augmentation mastopexy, full body lipo, fat grafting to buttocks, and abdominoplasty and umbilical hernia repair.
The patient is a 52 y. old F with a history of bilateral silicone breast augmentation, presenting with chronic bilateral breast pain and multiple systemic symptoms consistent with breast implant illness, s/p removal of bilateral breast implants, with auto-augmentation mastopexy and fat grafting.
Case Details: The patient is a 64 year old female with left breast cancer. Procedures performed include left mastectomy with pre-pectoral implant reconstruction and right augmentation/lift and fat grafting for symmetry. Patient also had left nipple reconstruction. She will eventually getting a 3-D tattoo as well.
Case Details: The patient is a 40 year old female with previous bariatric surgery and massive weight loss with full body excess skin, which will be removed in a staged fashion over several procedures. Procedures performed include abdominoplasty and bilateral arm lift with liposuction. 3 months post. op
Case Details: The patient is a 49 year old female presenting with large left breast cancer. Procedures performed include lumpectomy and oncoplastic breast reduction. Completed post. operative radiation. 3 months post. op